Friday, October 2, 2009

An open letter to John McCain

Dear Senator McCain,
Speaking as one of the people you called "my friend" in last years campaign, let me start this letter by thanking you for your service to our nation. No one can ever repay the debt our country owes you for your military service. You are an American hero.
Now get out of the way.
I read an great article in Politico today that says you have been keeping yourself busy over the last 4-5 months by recruiting candidates for governorships, House seats and senate seats. Not only that, but you are introducing those recruits to your donors, helping them raise money. I hear this and all I think is "oh crap". Great, a bunch of "maverick" not-quite conservatives who think being popular with the left wing media is the be all end all of politics. Plus all their financial help will come from the man who brought us the best piece of election law ever in McCain-Feingold. (Ironic isn't it - the same McCain who wanted big money out of politics is bringing that same money in.)
All this from a man who ran possibly the worst campaign for President since Dukakis. I mean, you nuked your own campaign by putting it "on hold" to go stop the bailout, and then you voted for it anyway.
I know, I know, your campaign managers say Palin brought you down. I'm gonna have to side with the famous ultra conservative Dennis Miller, who recently said he thinks that the slaughter that was this last election may have gone from 52/46 to 54/44 if not for Palin. Yeah that one had to sting. Of course, since I had trouble pulling the lever (so to speak) for you, and wouldn't have done so if it wasn't for Palin I think he might be right.
What happened to the good old days when Presidential campaign losers crept into the shadows, only to make Viagra commercials. I guess you do have precedent John Kerry is still in the Senate, but I think it's because his wife and state really don't want him around full time. (I mean how many snobs does Massachusetts need)
Sorry, back to you Senator McCain. I love that you've decided to come into my state and support a "moderate" gubernatorial candidate, over the more conservative bunch we already have running. It's not enough that there's one Democratic party in Colorado, now we need another.
Didn't the last election prove to you (and the world) that those pale pastels you have been preaching, you know, the ones that made you the "favorite" Republican of the left, the "maverick" of the Senate; aren't enough to get you or anyone else elected. I mean there were Democrats who ran to the right of you (Hello Jim Webb. I left the Republican party because of politicians like you. If the Republican Party is to have any chance (first to get me back, second to win back the nation's confidence) is to get back to the party that represents FREEDOM. The Constitution should be the guiding document, not a secondary thought. We should adapt Libertarian ideals, especially on the national level. Get back to actually believing and enforcing the 10th amendment. And yes Senator, that would mean losing all of that power and fame that you and all your brethren in the House and Senate have, but that's what America was supposed to be about.
Funny, then that you, a man who was held and tortured by communists, doesn't even see the path he was leading his own country down. Senator McCain, President Obama is not so unlike you. He is more bold in his approach, but you both would have taken our nation to the same destination. More power for the State.
So Senator McCain, I urge you to do the right thing, the moral thing. Stop remaking a party in your image, retire to Arizona and let us remember you for the hero you were, not the destroyer you are likely to become. Because if you do remake the Republican party in your image, it will be nothing but a weak, frail has been, always searching for the spotlight, never really attaining its goals.
Just like you.