Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bizzaro World Part II

What else can I say? The UAW now has a controlling percentage of Chrysler, plus the ability to select a member of the board of directors.
Does this seem odd to anyone else out there? Looking at this from the outside, isn't there a bit of conflict of interest here? So who does the UAW go to when renegotiating their contract??? THEMSELVES???? This is not good, and should scare the crap out of all hard working Americans, union members or not (and since I don't know a lot of government workers, teachers or autoworkers I guess I'm really just speaking to the people who didn't give Obama almost half the money for his campaign).
This is PAYBACK. Good old Chicago style politics and a huge reason that a lot of Americans are turned off by our system. Pay to play, lol sure it is, just legal pay to play.
The Auto companies had a myriad of sins to pay for; arrogance, poor customer service (not making good cars), treating suppliers like crap, and execs making ridiculous amounts of money. The UAW was just as bad, having a jobs program where people got paid over 80% of their salary even when they weren't working, unimaginable retirement plans (almost as good a PERA) and wages that killed the bottom line for Automakers.
SO who pays for those sins???????
We do! Along with anyone like banks and hedge funds who invested money (often for retirement) in Chrysler. See all that Tarp money we dumped into Chrysler back under Bush??? ALL GONE!
What about the last instalment under O?
Creditors who held liens on Chrysler were told that they would have to settle for under half their GUARANTEED money. Funny, that means more money problems for the banks - oh what a viscious cycle this is becoming.
The part of this that should FRIGHTEN everyone is that the US Government has just declared null and void legal contracts between a borrower and a lender. This is LOOTING, but on a scale like we've never seen in America before. The people with a legal contract get SCREWED, and the UAW gets ownership. WOW - you to can be part of the American dream.
Coming soon - The Government wants to own you from age 5-22 (plus however long it takes you to pay them back). Anybody remember the "Company Store" scam???

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