Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bizzaro World

So this is to be my first official blog (thanks Brian for saying this is what I was meant to do) and I have to admit I'm starting to feel like I'm living in Bizzaro world. You know, the messed up alternate universe where Bizzaro (Superman's twisted mirror image) lives.
Yesterday I officially became a protester and I'm not happy about it. I liked the insulated world I was living in. Those of you who know me would probably say that I'm rather outspoken (who me???) and that I have strong opinions (who'da thought???). But I've never been the protester type.
I think what changed me is the two little boys who are sleeping down the hall. When it was just about me, so what if the world was upside down. I've always had my values (not to say that I've always lived up to them) and yes Mr. Schumer, they are traditional values passed down from horrid places like my parents, my church, and the Boy Scouts (another right wing radical group). But until I was responsible for those two beautiful (but trying) little lives I knew I could take care of myself. Now I really do wonder.
I wonder why the economics I learned as a freshman in college don't apply to our government. Rule one in Econ 101; you must have a way to pay for what you borrow. For about the last 4-6 years that rule has gone right out the window. And not just for the government, but for the guy down the street. When did it become socially acceptable to be a deadbeat??? I'm not smart enough to fix the economy, but I'm pretty sure that loading up in TRILLIONS (think about that number for a minute, a person who lives to be exactly 85 years old will only have 2,680,560,000 seconds in their life, so more dollars in the last 3 months than seconds in my life) isn't going to fix it. Maybe I'm just oldfashioned or maybe they are teaching NEW Econ 101 and I missed it.
I wonder why it seems like the stuff we tried to get away with watching as teenagers (remember when you first got cable and you could stay up til 2 in the morning and turn on HBO and maybe catch a steamy sex scene) is now a commercial for a body wash. I have to admit, I AM the MTV generation. My friends thought I was crazy because of my love for videos, now I turn on ten minutes of MTV and I can see everything and anything I ever lusted over as a teenager. There is no shame in this recent explosion of exploitation. What happened to watching a video cause it's MUSIC television, not real life soap opera whorehouses broadcast 24 7 on that channel. My uncle was a sailor and I doubt he ever saw that kind of show while on shore leave - at least not constantly.
I wonder why people think life is so cheap. I've seen the environazis protest over the life of an owl, but call anyone who is Pro Life an extremist. Hmmmm, I know it's not right to ask this, but how cheap is innocent human life today. And I seriously don't want to hear the what if rape, incest, life of the mother so on and so on arguments. Not that those don't have merit, but the percentage is minuscule in comparison to everyday abortion. Those are issue we could compromise on! America is one of the only countries in the world where you can stand on the corner and scream "ABORTION ON DEMAND, 24 7" and only about half the people will even look at you. Most European countries have tighter regulation on abortion, so please don't tell me that there isn't room for some regulation here. And I'm sorry, but being any part of an abortion will leave a hole right through your soul. They don't tell anyone about that part.
Lastly, I wonder about "global warming". The same people who put a giant ICE planet on the cover of TIME magazine in the late 70's are now saying the earth is going to burn up????? Or wait, was that last year, before we had one of the coldest winters on record in the Northeast, or where it's supposed to snow 20" here in Denver tomorrow. Sorry, I was raised to question anything that seems like a line of rats following the music (does that make Al Gore the Pied Piper, jeeez what a horrid song that must be). Somehow this new religion doesn't appeal to me. And this new enviromentalism is a religion, of that there is little to argue. Of course this is from the same people who brought you evolution only in the schools, a THEORY that has one hell of a lot of holes in it. Why not aliens, teach??? It makes as much sense.
I guess I just never thought I'd live to see Bizzaro world. Guess I better go find some blue kryptonite, and pray every night and day for those two boys down the hall. I'll pray that by the time they grow up, Bizzaro world is a place in their dreams, not a nightmare coming to life more vividly each day!


  1. HI, Jason
    God Bless you. You are right on point. I look forward to getting to know you better. I have 4 children, ages 26,24,22 and 14. I am worrying for the older ones as they don't want to face reality yet nor does my husband. He is all business as usual. I just pray daily that they will wake up and also come to truly know the Lord. Also I don't care if people are uncomfortable anymore by the mere mention of God and Jesus and the Bible. God is the only answer. What can I say? That's just the way it is. I learned that the hard way and it took a long time. I am hard headed.

    So anyway, read that book I gave you Saturday so you can stay awake all night and freak out about the what if's.

    Does your wife want to come to GB's Comedy tour? I have to see where the dust settles on these tickets I purchased for those who specifically replied yes and were only counted as one. I am sure we can get more tickets if need be, but wanted to act fast for those who had rsvp'd? It's like trying to get good seats for a rock show so ya know you have to act fast.

    Talk to ya, Ginny

  2. From another Gin...Jason, I see you stepping into the plan God intended from the beginning. It's really scary diving off the cliff the first but He does teach you to fly on the way down. Know that this warrior is praying over your journey and will enjoy reading your posts. Know that God orders your steps so keep your eyes on Him. In Christ, Gin Dagger
